One Life! One Chance! Make it an Adventure

Tess Mia
7 min readAug 18, 2020

Are you living in fear?

Do you take chances?

Do you dream but never do anything about it?

I ask because I’m pretty sure that living “a safe” life will not keep you as safe as you think, and it will definitely not give you happiness.

If you decide to cling to people or things that make you “feel safe,” you’ll be a prisoner of your fear. You will let your anxiety dictate your life! Limiting the incredible life you can have and your own success story.


Before we talk about “imaginary fear,” let’s talk about real life and the hurtful things that happen TO us! Tragedies that are thrown at us and that feels impossible to process. Not something you just “get over.” Loss and fear of actual situations that you can’t forget and bury.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to talk to someone to process your sadness. Making sure you’re not isolating yourself with your thoughts. What you tell yourself is powerful! Negative thoughts can lead to very dark places if you’re not careful.
Being able to move on from something that hurts immensely can take time. Give yourself that time to mourn.

I believe the best way to deal with grief is to compartmentalize your thoughts. Think about it as different rooms in your mind. You have your play-room, your work-room, your grief-room. Every feeling has its own room/ space in your mind. You walk in, and you walk out. That’s how I deal with everything in my life. When something sad happens that I have no control over, I separate it from other things going on in my life. Some people might say that it’s “cold,” but that’s how I stop one emotion from consuming my time.

Take Control Over Your Life

When you enter “one room,” you give it 100% focus and attention. You don’t “stay in one room” the whole day. (Meaning you don’t let one emotion take over your mind) You process one feeling at a time.
For example; If you’re processing a lost friendship, you let yourself think about it for a certain amount of time before you choose to leave those thoughts until the next day.

Or, if you focus on work for 7 hours — when you leave to play with your kids, you also “leave your work-room.” You are 100% with your kids — mind, and body. You leave work — at work!

If you can do that, you’ll be able to deal with anything! NOTE: You can’t multitask your feelings. Multitasking is over-rated! 😉

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.”― Eleanor Roosevelt

I have gone through some challenging times in my past that could have broken or stopped me, but it didn’t. I’ve had many “failures” in business and my personal life. I’ve made so many incredibly naive decisions — mistakes I won’t make again. I learned, and I moved on to a better me.
It was the experience I needed to get to the next level — we all know by now that nobody has ever reached any meaningful goal without failing at some point! What’s worth having doesn’t come easy!

Failures are what makes successful people! The people that have failed the most are the people “we strive to be”


Let’s change your thinking and start believing that “you can do it too!” You can have a life of adventures if you choose one! Most of us are excited when people we love have big dreams and live adventurous lives, so why not be happy for ourselves!

Do you have “unreachable & impossible” dreams?

“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem to be more afraid of life than death.” — James F. Byrnes

Does fear prevent you from doing things you want to do?

You can change your life by changing the way you think! It’s all in mind and what you’re telling yourself. The most influential person in your life is you, and the person you believe the most is you.

Write down everything you love about yourself — then add: who do you want to be. Give yourself all the qualities you dream of having.

Read it out loud to yourself every day!

Meditate on it — do whatever it takes to convince yourself that THIS IS THE NEW YOU! When you truly believe something, it works like a magnet — you attract it to yourself — it’s like magic! When you believe you can, you will.

You can be your own bully or your biggest cheerleader!

Having the ability to attract good things and even some good “luck” into your life is possible. But you have to believe it! — Tess Mia

We all have fears, but you have to trust that you’ll be okay. Negative thoughts will always find a way to mess with you but refuse to pay attention — let them pass by — never get stuck. Don’t let them fester! Leave those thoughts alone!

I’m a big believer in karma. Loyalty and honesty are what keeps me grounded and accountable. If you combine that with a positive attitude and a 20 min day of meditation, you have an excellent recipe for success.

“ We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” — Buddha


Meditation is the power of controlling your mind. Focus on your breathing and let thoughts just “swing by.” Be still and let yourself be in the moment, and let your mind feel the silence. Empty your mind for thoughts, anxieties, grief, and let your mind rest. Start a clean slate no matter what you’re struggling with — anytime, anywhere! Think of it as a “mind cleanse” — a new start.

That’s the best way I can explain it. Meditation is just one of those things that you have to experience to understand and to love. I recently moved my reflections to mornings, the best way to start my day! Beneficial morning meditation can focus on goals and self-healing — or anything you want to accomplish that day.

Meditation is not “magic” — Some people think you have to have a superpower to meditate! Nope, everybody can do it! And to feel the proven power of letting your mind reset for 20 minutes, all you need is a comfortable, peaceful place to sit or lay. You might find it difficult to “not think” in the beginning (I know I did), but don’t give up. After a little practice, you’ll soon start to see the enormous benefits.

When Julian and I meditate together, we use this YouTube video. But it’s thousand to pick from — some prefer music, and some don’t. You have to figure out what you need to find your peace. That can be music, stillness, nature, or a mantra. Whatever it is, it’s okay.

“Believe you can and you will.”

Remember, don’t listen to your negative thoughts. They are not real, and they don’t deserve your attention. Thoughts like “Maybe” and “What if’s” are not real! You should look at those thoughts as bullies trying to hurt you — and ignore, ignore, ignore! Nothing is real before it has happened, so why think of something negative that hasn’t hurt you yet? It’s useless and counterproductive.

Words are powerful.

Make sure you shower yourself with words of positivity, love, and forgiveness — every day — write it down and read it out loud!

“The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it” — Colin Wilson






Tess Mia

#Mompreneur I’m a copywriter and marketer by trade and a life explorer at heart. 💗 I write case studies for the hospitality technology industry.